5 Ways to Keep Moving This Winter

5 Ways to Keep Moving This Winter


I’ve come to replace the word “exercise” with “movement.”  The word “exercise” can often conjure up a very visceral feeling — and for some of us, that feeling is akin to dread.

But even if we have a happier relationship with “movement,” getting consistent activity in during the winter months can prove a bit difficult.

It’s a bit of a catch-22, though, since exercise is incredibly effective at alleviating many of the winter woes.  Like our tendency to have depressed moods, to feel higher stress, and to eat richer/denser foods.

So I collected 5 of my top recommendations for how to keep movement consistent in your life, even through the colder, winter months.

1. Invest in the right gear.

I know this won’t apply everywhere in the world, but most places that have cold winters don’t have bitter, miserable, inhabitable days, all winter long.   Most of us, if we are prepared with the proper clothes, can still get outside and enjoy a brisk walk or light run on most days of the winter season.

And getting outside should really be a top priority.  It shifts your whole energy when you can connect outdoors, at least once a day, even if the day is gray and cold!  The fresh air, open-space perspective, sunlight, and exposure to nature…it’s healing for the body and soul.

So, one of the best strategies is simply to invest in one full cold-weather workout outfit.  Find warm yoga pants, a wicking thermal top, ear muffs or comfy hat, mittens or gloves, warm wool socks and sturdy running shoes or comfy hiking boots.  You don’t need a closet full of options, just one set of winter workout clothes that fit, feel good, and are ready to be put to use.

2. DVDs

For those days when the cold really is killing the motivation, having a fantastic DVD on hand can be a workout saver!  I will still pop in my mid-80s Cindy Crawford workout DVD and love every shredded-jean-short minute of it. (Yes, she works out in ripped jean shorts!)

3. Rebounder

Ahhh.  My favorite indoor workout option.  Bounce, bounce, bounce.  Smile, giggle, lighten up, and feel like you are totally cheating on this amazing good-for-you way of getting exercise in!

4. Take a Class

Many places — yoga studios, gyms, and dance studios — have pay-as-you-go options for group classes.  I love taking dance classes (my favorite during college was African dancing to live drum circles!), Nia, or Zumba classes — especially when the weather is getting me down.

If I plan to meet a friend there, I’m also more likely to push through procrastination and actually go!

5.  Hot Yoga

Another winter favorite is to find a hot yoga class. There is something decadent about coming in from the cold and walking into a very warm room that melts and sweats and stretches your whole body.  If you haven’t tried it, do it, and give yourself a winter treat.

What the hardest part about getting consistent exercise in during the winter months, for you?Lisa


18 responses to “5 Ways to Keep Moving This Winter”

  1. getting out the door

  2. Great ideas, Lisa… and I’ve been needing a yoga DVD recommendation from a friend. 🙂 Thanks for that.

    1. You’re welcome, Val! 🙂

  3. Michelle M Avatar
    Michelle M

    do you know the cost of the DVD?

    1. The exact cost, I can’t actually remember- I know she told me– it was under 30 bucks though– 27.99, 29.99? Something like that. It’s ready to buy next week and (of course) the price will be on the website then 🙂

  4. I heard you talk about some of these with Tsh on the Simple Mom podcast and your ideas were so great! I live in CA, so I don’t have much to complain about, but I did need the reminder to get OUT and get some MOVEMENT! Thanks for the tips.

    1. Yes, it was that podcast that inspired this post- reminded me how much this issue is common among many of us!

      p.s. if anyone didn’t catch that podcast it is here: http://homefries.com/show/the-simple-mom-podcast/help-for-depleted-moms/

  5. Robin Kernodle Avatar
    Robin Kernodle

    Sorry to be dense, but what is a bouncer??


    1. A rebounder is a fancy charge-more name for a mini trampoline. They’re a surprisingly good workout.

      I agree with your list, except for the videos. The only time mine have been watched is when I “check” them when they first arrive, to see what’s on them. If there’s no social aspect or fresh air it just doesn’t happen for me.

      Getting coordinated and motivated at the same time as my class is my biggest hurdle.

      1. Thanks for the reply, Lauren- exactly!

        And I always feel like if there is a “type” of exercise (in your case DVDS) that don’t work- don’t consider them! Really! It makes way more sense to make your options ones that you really enjoy and have some natural motivation build into them!

  6. With two littles, I sometime feel like its not worth the effort to bundle every one up for a short walk, but I know we all feel better when we get outside, so thanks for the reminder. Also, I’m *thankful* for my gassy babe, who loves to be bounced on the yoga ball!

    1. Love bouncing on yoga balls– Fun!

      I’m thankful for my third “don’t cage me in” baby who begs at the door to go outside from morning to night– makes getting out for fresh air a non-negotiable! 🙂

  7. Hi Lisa-

    no joke my name is Lisa Byrne too…we’ve met in cyberspace before…but great article and reminder of movement!

    I agree with your recommendations and can add one in for winter workouts…
    quick bursts of movement inside using resistance bands, lighter weights, body weight…moving and making it up as you go along.

    It’s fun, stimulating and you get to feel free and youthful again!

    The whole for my business is around movement, thus my website, so I get giggly when I hear others refer to exercise as movement…
    especially when they have the same name as me!


    1. Yay for Lisa Byrnes 🙂 Love the quick bursts addition to the list!

      Love that you are all about movement…I’ll hop over to your cyber world to check it out!

  8. when the roads are too bad for me to drive to my pilates class…then i put in the dvd!

  9. […] about what Lisa Byrne has said about “joyful movement”, and talking about “movement” rather than “exercise, I wondered if forcing myself to stick to my […]

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