Who were you at 19 yr old?

Firstly, I hope this finds you sans a holiday-induced sugar coma hangover.  I wish I could say I’m not fighting my way out of one from too many Cadbury mini eggs…but at least I have an upcoming cleanse to look forward too {wink, wink}.

Today I wanted to share something that really touched me in the latest edition of Oprah mag. (Any other Mama O fans out there?)

She had a whole section where people wrote in a short letter addressed to their younger selves. Something struck me about the wisdom shared.

From the vantage point of where they were now, they were able to clearly distinguish between the important and unimportant in life. How much easier would our days go if we could keep that “God’s eye” view of our lives as we are living it? 

If we could tap into that inner compass more readily in the here and now and know what to let go and what to focus more intently of?

One that I particularly loved was from the actress Octavia Spencer.

She writes:

Hello Traveler,
As you make your way along life’s tumultuous highways, it’s important to note that you should always carry a map, have plenty of fuel in the tank, and take frequent rest stops.

Sounds pretty spot on to me.

I would love to hear what your letter or words of advice to your 19 year old self would be. I plan to share mine in the comments, too.

p.s. 2 fantastic talks to pass on to you…

{1} Fire-side chat with Jamie Martin of Steady Mom

I had the absolute joy to chat with Jamie Martin recently.  She has recently published her second book, Mindset for Moms and we chatted about her transition into motherhood, how she learned to dream bigger for herself and the journey of how she came to write each of her books.  Throw in some deep insights on how to step up in our role of mothering and belly laughs at the crazy life it really is and you have one fantastic talk.

It’s ready now.  You’re invited to listen in, click here.

{2} Upcoming web-jam with Dr. Sara Gottfried

Many of you have heard me share how utterly impressed I am with all things Dr. Sara offers the world.  And she is gearing up to offer another course in her Mission Ignition series – this time on Energy and Adrenal Health…in fact, I’ll be joining her as a guest expert for this course. 

If you are interested in learning more about her style and scope, Dr. Sara is giving a talk this April 17 at no-cost.  It’s titled:

Revealed: The Top 3 Hormonal Myths, even your Doctor Believes
that are holding your Energy Hostage and keeping You from Feeling like the
Vital She-ro that You Are! [+ the Truths that will set you Free!]

  Click here to sign up and register for this no-cost web-jam.


4 responses to “Who were you at 19 yr old?”

  1. Dearest Young Self:

    Enjoy every moment of this time that is just for you, yet a time when you really start to see the world beyond your little space on this planet earth. Each person you encounter deeply makes an difference in your life, but do not let what you perceive their views of you are or what you do matter so much that it encompasses you. Consider them, TALK about them to them, but do not let them wholly dictate your future choices. Let your choices be made, not from fear – of what might or might not happen, but from your authentic self. Your most happy self will be felt when you are true to your inner thoughts and feelings and when you release the fear of others assumed thoughts you let hold you back.
    All my love, myself

  2. Dear 19 year old Lisa,

    Speak kindly to yourself – catch your words, your inner thoughts, your secret conversations. Start now to rewrite how and what fills your mind.

    There will be many twists and turns ahead. Hold on to that which you know is true- that you are loved more perfectly than you could ever imagine by God- that everything is always happening for your highest good- and that you are delighted in just because of who you are.

    Learn that all the most important things you have to offer come back to you tenfold when you give them away- lavish love on those around you, give freely of your gifts and talents, flood others with words of encouragement and inspiration.

    Laugh every day- many many times a day. Mark your success by the lightness of your heart and spirit, the trueness of your course, and your deep abiding peace of mind.

    Shine brightly and boldly, sweet girl…life is a gift and a wonder.

    With a heart overflowing,

    Your “bit” older self

  3. Dearest Cammie,
    Look deep inside your heart and know that you are a good person who is worthy of love and acceptance just as you are.
    Be confident in who you are, right now. Have faith and trust that the universe is taking care of you.
    Life will at times be challenging, but don’t give up – it’s a delicate balance of effort and grace. At times, it will seem as though things are too hard, too uncertain…but trust that you are where you are meant to me and hang in there…nothing ever stays the same forever. Amazing growth can happen when you sit with your own pain, when you open yourself up to vulnerability…somehow all the scary stuff has far less power over you when you accept it…that doesn’t mean that you have like it, just accept that it’s there.
    Start meditating, it will change your life and listen to your mum, she’s an amazing lady.
    It’s perfectly ok not to know everything, for there to be uncertainty, that’s where the magic in life comes from.
    Take care of yourself, eat well and laugh often.
    Oh, and it’s ok to be sensitive, just take care to build up your reserves so that you’re not running on empty. Take a deep breath and pause before you speak. And when you’re emotionally all over the shop, go to bed early – things are always clearer when you’re well rested.
    Don’t change yourself for someone else, change yourself because you want to change.
    But most of all, you’re beautiful just as you are.

  4. Dear Emilie,

    Don’t let the little bumps in the road stop you from your dreams or else it will be a long journey to finally get to your destination. Also, don’t be consumed by wanting to love and be loved. If you love the life you live, love will seek you out instead of the other way around.

    Travel until your heart is content and live!

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