The Simple Physics of an Amazing Life

I’m a student and teacher at heart and love learning new ideas and information, so this message may come as a surprise.

It’s the thing I believe distinguishes me from many of the other health and wellness coaches out there and is, single-handedly, the difference between wishing for change and experiencing positive change.

If there is any area of your life at all (health, wealth, relationships, career, lifestyle) that you want to be different the 3 minute exercise in this video will get you well on your way toward making that change happen in your

Watch the video and then let me know in the comments what your “answers” were!


22 responses to “The Simple Physics of an Amazing Life”

  1. Wow, this was really helpful! I circled “exercising” on my list of three things, and your suggestions for the five actions to take were very helpful for fleshing that out. I put on exercise clothes, and after I write this comment I’m going to email my husband about taking the dog on a walk together, so that will be two things off the list there!

    1. Emily– Love it!! So great that you are putting this to work TODAY!

  2. Exercise, eat more veggies, focus.
    1. get up earlier
    2. lay out clothes
    3. get off the computer
    4. plan meals
    5. buy less veggie, more often.

    1. Alida, Really creative 5 application options– love the buy less veggies but more often option too!

      1. Yes…my downfall is I get so excited at the farmer’s market or grocery store that I buy way more veggies than we can possibly eat before they go bad. Thank goodness for our chickens and our compost bin! When throwing them out I feel like I’ve failed once again. This week I decided to buy enough for three days and keep money in the budget to buy again in the middle of the week:)

  3. Great advice! I’m always writing lists but love how this works to break down a good idea into “actionable” baby steps.

    Be more active: choose new walking routes, gear by door, dance video games with kids, join online fitness site for support, am calisthenics

    1. Absolutely Wanda- Lists can be wonderful, but making sure you narrow it down to one or two immediate and actionable steps can make a huge difference in what actually gets done!

  4. Thanks for this video, Lisa- this is one I’ll want to watch again as I approach each thing on my list! My very unexciting one that I circled (I really tried to avoid circling it) is drinking more water. It’s wood-stove season here,(and allergy-med season), and I am operating at a very dehydrated level, so I know this is key for me. My list included filling a water bottle first thing in the morning and during each meal prep, and putting a water bottle near the main areas where I work during the day, because sometimes that battle is remembering to keep a bottle nearby! Also, this week I will replace the water filter in my fridge because the water flows very slowly when it is due to be replaced, and it’s hard to stand there and fill a whole bottle, when I am in a hurry. Lastly, this will sound very silly, but when increasing my water intake it always ends up meaning LOTS of extra trips to the bathroom, so I put planning for more bathroom stops on my list, and putting a nice lotion in there for after I wash my hands what feels like a million times a day! ๐Ÿ™‚ They might sound silly, but after watching this video, I know this is the approach I need to actually catapult me back into healthy water intake! After this, I’ll be watching again and pondering the next thing! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Absolutely understand the many bathroom trips issue, Spring- but love how you thought of a way to make even that “side effect” enjoyable with a wonderful lotion- great idea!

  5. Jenny Killingsworth Avatar
    Jenny Killingsworth

    exercise, get to bed earlier, stress less

    stress less:
    1. release comparison thoughts
    2. jog around the block when I’m feeling too intense
    3. if I get back to my front door and I still feel tense, sprint all out down the street and back
    4. pray in the morning and know that I’ll get done what I get done (I homeschool)
    5. use the breathing techniques I learned in your RRR class. “get out of my mind and into my body…”

    Thank you, Lisa. This was so helpful.

    1. You are so welcome, Jenny! Love how specific you were able to get around something most people feel is very abstract (stress less) – awesome concrete ideas.

  6. hi! My 3 are…make sleep a priority; regular exercise; and pack my lunch.
    I circled “sleep”. My steps are: get dinner started earlier(so we finish earlier); make my kids help more with dinner; make lunches right after dinner; set alarm clock 60 minutes before my bedtime (countdown to my bedtime); and reward myself for 5 consecutive nights of getting to bed on time.

    I love this video & will carry its message with me!

    1. ooo- Morgan- fantastic idea around setting a timer for the last 60 minutes before bedtime– how often have I planned to get to bed at a certain time, then lost track and it was much, much later when I finally hit the hay. Excellent!

  7. Hi Lisa! Great tips. I did this along with the video and my three areas were 1. Spiritual practice, 2. eating better, and 3. drinking more water
    I circled spiritual practice and fleshed this topic out as follows: 1. pray before I go to sleep, 2. Read my affirmations each day 3. Say or write what I am grateful for, 4. Listen to an online “church” service and 5. Meditate for 10 minutes after my kids get in the bed.
    I’ve been working on getting this area of my life back in sync since I had my third baby last year and it has just been so inconsistent. I think having this list of 5 things I can do at any given time will help me enliven my spiritual practice even with the craziness that I call life with family!! thanks!

  8. Love what others have shared here, too!

    My 3 things: eat less sugar, use deep breathing regularly to promote calmness, get to bed earlier

    My 5 action items for “get to bed earlier”:
    1-Turn off computer earlier
    2-Change into PJs
    3-Don’t try and do it all…take time for myself instead of trying to cram in 10 more things before the end of the day.
    4-Establish a bedtime routine. Go through school papers, clear kitchen countertop, nightly bathroom routine.
    5-Continue simplify mode in the household and have less loose ends lying around that cause me stress when I see them.

    Thank you for this video!

  9. Beautiful. I am a ‘change geek’ and loved your coaching in this video. I will be passing this on!

  10. Very helpful, Lisa. As someone who studied engineering in school, I love the potential and kinetic energy analogies! My three things are:

    1) Exercise more
    2) Go to bed instead of watching TV after 10:30
    3) Work on a little bit of my consulting work everyday instead of doing it all in a panic the day before a client call

    I circled exercise more and my five action items are:

    1) Buy new running shoes
    2) Take a short walk today when I have (an already planned) babysitter for a couple of hours
    3) Spend 10 minutes doing my physical therapy exercises in the living room while the kids are playing around me
    4) Lay out a few exercise outfits so they are ready for the week
    5) Pick a class at the Y that would be fun that I could attend this week while my husband is with the children

    Thanks for this! Looking forward to putting things into practice!

  11. Drink more water, eat less sugar and unhealthy carbs, drink less coffee.
    1. Don’t bring “garbage” into the house 2. make a daily food plan and stick to it 3. Have nuts, fruits, etc. available for quick snacking 4. Go over “How to Break the Sugar Habit” info from your website. 5. Find out why everyone is saying sugar is so bad for us so that I will have motivation to stop.
    Thanks, Lisa. I will be trying this in non-health related areas as well. The first that comes to mind is spending some quality preschool type time with my 4 yr. old. I home school his older siblings (7 & 10), and I have so much guilt and disappointment about not spending time with him. I want to! I need to identify how I can consistantly make it happen.

  12. I loved this video .. I almost zoned out (no offense.. Just late night mindless surfing) but you really caught and held my attention! I read so much about improvement but never get the ride started.. Loved your analogy.. Your right we do know what to do.. It’s just starting the motion.. I dont know why I think it has to be so complicated! I knew it was a good sign when my 3things were the 3things you mentioned ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you for the practical most doable information I have ever found on the web!

  13. […] at the prospect of choosing which goal to work toward first, go watch Lisa Byrne’s video on shifting potential change into transformative change over at Well-Grounded Life. […]

  14. Avatar

    What a brilliant yet common sense idea. I do know a lot. Somehow I think that information should be enough. That I should know better. “Sheesh. I know I should drink more water. Why don’t I do it for goodness sake? What a loser. I can’t even drink water.” I then I feel powerless to make positive changes to other parts of my life. I become stuck and depressed.

    How simple to actually brainstorm ways to move knowledge to action AND have a sense of accomplishment/power for even just moving toward my goal.

    I love you! I see a glimmer of “potential” hope that I can be a powerful agent of change in my own life and not a loser!

  15. Shalini Avatar

    Loved this.

    Need to sleep more!!!

    a) turn off the computer. I am watching your videos right now but find it hard when there is so much wonderful information like your website.
    b) relax and chat with my husband
    c) read a book
    d) say a gratitude prayer
    e) smile before falling asleep.

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