At the Heart of Self Care

“…understand that to nurture and love others with the grace you desire means taking care of yourself and cultivating your own inner harmony. Inner harmony grows not by finding ways to get away from your child, but by giving yourself the gift of a hot bath at the end of a long day, reading a book of poetry, talking to a friend on the phone, taking a nap, crying, getting a massage, having a day off from cleaning and cooking, staying in your pajamas all day, swimming, going out to eat, or attending a conference. Do something for yourself as you give. Learn to laugh at yourself and not take yourself so seriously.”
~ Peggy O’Mara, The Way Back Home

I read this quote in a post on SouleMama a bit ago and it struck a nerve with me.

So often I espouse how important it is to take “Me-Time” and invest in quality, loving care of ourselves in order to be the most vital, whole and healthy women and mothers we can be.

But here is the question we need to ask ourselves–

When you get time in your week – do you do things that fill you up, or are you simply spending time away from the kids?

Is your “Me Time” sucked away by surfing the web or flicking through channels on the TV?

Do you automatically go into productivity mode and clean the house or run errands to the neglect of investing in something that makes you feel happy or alive?

The heart of self care is ultimately to keep the fire stoked and burning. To engage in something that speaks to our hearts, fuels our passions, clarifies our dreams, brings beauty and awe and inspiration into our life.

Are we feeding that part of us that needs renewal, creativity, beauty and wonder?

What stirs something in you and keeps you growing?



8 responses to “At the Heart of Self Care”

  1. Thank you for this post! It inspired me to write my own. As a mother of two young kids (1 and 4), I often feel selfish for going to grad school when I could A) be with them or B) be working and contributing financially. Ultimately, though what I study moves me in a way that renews me and makes me a better person.

  2. Great post! I have been thinking about the same challenges. I am about to (tomorrow in fact!) give birth to my third and I am worried a little bit about losing “myself”. I started a blog about my cooking, which I have seriously neglected. I hope to get back to it and be creative again!

  3. THanks for this. Man, this is SO ME! I will get downtime and spend it working on other things that don’t equal downtime and then wonder why I’m so mentally exhausted. Well, this morning for my quiet time, I read from a spiritual book, took a nap, washed my hair, put on make-up, and man I feel SO much better than if I’d done errands/work all morning. Thanks for the reminder that it’s QUALITY not always QUANTITY!

  4. Janette- I remember feeling the same way when I went back to become certified as a holistic health counselor– and yet that is what keeps me growing and feeling energized — and THAT is what I want to model to my children too! Good for you and all the best as you work through your Grad program!

    AmyB– Congratulations Mama!! Many many blessing on the birth of your third– please stop back and share how you are doing!

    Steph- I love the getting REALLY ready for the day idea. It shifts the energy of my day as well when I take the time to actually dress, brush my teeth and hair, put on makeup first thing. It also frees me up to do more in the day with my kids since I am ready to go!

  5. Just stopping by from the UBP at Five Minutes for Mom. I love your site and am subscribing to your RSS feed. I would appreciate it if you visited my blog and did the same! I’m looking forward to reading more and getting to know you better.

    The Healthy Moms

  6. I totally need to remember this more often! Found you from the USB and I’m so struck with what I’ve read so far. Off to subscribe! Thank You!

  7. Great post…
    Blog hopping and having a blast… many great blogs….This is a GREAT party.
    I have a Fun $100 Gift Basket to give away and all it takes a comment.

    I am number….294 and 295……Teresa

  8. Stopping by from UBP. Great insight! Even though I don’t have kids, I find myself spending all my time doing things around the house, taking up one more hobby, volunteering even more to fill up those days. When I do need to take some time to myself now and then, for soul care.

    Enjoy the party!

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